Rookery Waters fishery has four lakes for fishing: Rook, Magpie, Jay, and Jackdaw.
These lakes offer diverse fishing experiences, from flat-bottomed reservoirs to match lakes for pole fishing.
The fishery also includes a new canal-style lake called Raven with ample parking spaces and multiple pegs for fishing.
Rookery Waters
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About Rookery Waters
Rookery Waters fishery has four lakes for fishing. Rook was built in 2001 as a water reservoir. It is one hectare in size with a flat bottom and sloping sides. Magpie was created in 2003 and has an irregular shape with two islands. Jay, built in 2006, is a match lake for pole fishing. Jackdaw, with five pegs, was dug out in 2014 and is great for beginners. Raven is a new canal-style lake with 30 pegs, each with parking. All lakes have various fish species like Carp, Tench, and Gold Fish.