Barnwell Lakes

Established in 1885 as The Jolly Anglers, the Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society (CFPAS) evolved into a prominent fishing club.

Renowned for its exceptional fishing venues in England, CFPAS is a member of the Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Federation of Anglers and affiliated with the NFA (Eastern Region), thanks to the efforts of late President Jack Baker.

Barnwell Lakes

Barnwell Lakes, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8RG, United Kingdom

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About Barnwell Lakes

The Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society, also known as CFPAS, was established in 1885 as The Jolly Anglers. The club initially leased the Hundred Foot River at Earith for fishing matches. Over time, the club changed its name to CFPAS. The late President, Jack Baker, played a key role in founding the National Federation of Anglers. CFPAS is a member of the Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Federation of Anglers and is affiliated with the NFA (Eastern Region). CFPAS offers a variety of fishing venues that are considered some of the best in England.